Office to Apartment Conversion is Underway in DC
Converting Office spaces into apartments is underway in DC.
Is this a signal that office properties in the nation won’t experience a rebound, at least in the near future? Of course, it is too early to be sure.
The key determining factor is policymakers’ decisions.
The DC government seems to encourage its employees to return to office while promoting the conversion of DC office properties to residential ones.
Will other states do the same, or will they follow different approaches, such as incentivizing (pressuring) organizations to return to the office with the hope of resurrecting office properties? I’m not sure.
In localities where conversations are currently taking place, the success of this initiative is highly dependent on the performance of the properties already converted.
Given the complexity and expense nature of converting offices to residential units, the speed and pace of this conversion may not accelerate that fast. We will see.
This is an emerging trend those of us in and around the commercial real estate industry should closely follow…
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