Our Team

Assegid Habtewold and his partners. Click on the images to learn more.

One-stop Commercial Real Estate and Business Brokerage Platform

A platform where you'll get A to Z CRE and Business Brokerage services tailored according to your needs, goals, criteria, and preferences!

Our Strategic Partners

To serve our clients with world-class excellence, we have a team of strategic partners from diverse professions within the Business Brokerage, and Commercial Real Estate Industries. Below are some of our strategic partners for the year 2024. We'll continue to announce more strategic partners as the year advances...

Carlos Fuentes

Commercial Lending Broker

<h3>Carlos Fuentes</h3>

Office to Apartment Conversion is Underway in DC

Converting Office spaces into apartments is underway in DC. Is this a signal that office properties in the nation won’t experience a rebound, at least in the near future? Of course, it is too early to be sure. The key determining factor is policymakers’ decisions. The DC government seems toRead More

Should You Form or Acquire Your 1st or Next Company?

Why acquiring an existing company is better than forming from scratch One frequent conversation I’ve had with aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs is whether to form a company from scratch or acquire an existing one. Like everything in life, both choices have pros and cons. Choosing one over the other couldRead More

Scale or Vanish!

Why should you put in place an exit strategy sooner and scale using multiple vehicles As a business broker, one of my jobs is to ask thoughtful questions to understand the needs and goals of my clients: One of the questions I ask is: “How do you plan to exit fromRead More

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