Our Team

Assegid Habtewold and his partners. Click on the images to learn more.

One-stop Commercial Real Estate and Business Brokerage Platform

A platform where you'll get A to Z CRE and Business Brokerage services tailored according to your needs, goals, criteria, and preferences!

Our Strategic Partners

To serve our clients with world-class excellence, we have a team of strategic partners from diverse professions within the Business Brokerage, and Commercial Real Estate Industries. Below are some of our strategic partners for the year 2024. We'll continue to announce more strategic partners as the year advances...

Carlos Fuentes

Commercial Lending Broker

<h3>Carlos Fuentes</h3>

Scale or Vanish!

Why should you put in place an exit strategy sooner and scale using multiple vehicles As a business broker, one of my jobs is to ask thoughtful questions to understand the needs and goals of my clients: One of the questions I ask is: “How do you plan to exit fromRead More

The Coming Apocalypse in Commercial Real Estate

Who are the winners and losers, and how can they tap into the opportunities and lessen the impacts, respectively? Unless you live under a rock, there is an apparent global economic downturn, though some countries and industries are performing relatively better than their peers. Thanks to the high inflation andRead More

Systematizing to Scale

How to create robust systems and processes to scale and create uniformity and in turn save time, energy, and other scarce resources I’ve more than two decades of international leadership experience and have been helping leaders make successful transitions from one stage of leadership to the next one: In 2016Read More

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